By the way I want to tell you

All I want to know is if there's something to black the world out in any way. When I go out for dinner, I wish I had a good, excellent and clear feeling.

You will be right if you say so. That's what we may be able to have our dinner for today. You will be wrong if you say so. That's what we think we should return empty handed without having any meal, in the case we have found that the food is served by a couple of dirty hands.

We don't have to suppose Thinkhara always knock out the ever-repeating lives of our living things. Thinkhara have been knocking itself down when it thinks nobody views it.

A youth goes up a very very high mountain one day when the splintered winter has come. On the way to the top of the mountain, he feels the wind blowing in the winter is very cold. Whatever, he reaches there and sees the beauty of the mountain sleeping under the fluttering white snow with cold furs and pines.

He sings a harmonic song. On seeing the sorrowful scene, he sings a very big toned song for them. When he finishes the last lyric of the song, he says "Mingalarbar, badbye to all. "

And then, he jumps down off the mountain^^ with his eyes filled with sad tear. Over. Game over, do you think so? Aha ^^ha^^, it's a never ending game.

Remember! Someone will be jumping down somewhere by the time you eat your ^^regular
meal as the day you are. By the ma!

Ha ha ha!


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