Can make friends But...

I want to be friends with you who might be here this site, for so long time or short time. As well as new friends/members and old friends/members can make me as one friend of your several lives. I hope for invitation from you all to be welcome to you.

I know that you all want to know about me if I had close friends before. Here I will show you now, reading these passages to the end. Of course, I had friends and have had friends till now. I expect not to be misunderstand on me. On schooldays, I was not too much delightful myself since my friends were looking at me as a cold-hearted boy. Actually, I didn’t wanna do like this before my friends. They were so serious about their emotions except mine. Now, I don’t know how to explain to you about the selfish behaviors of my friends.

In the beginning of each role, one make friend with me, and so do I . Then, I start to date him for meeting out somewhere(may be teashop). He agreed with me that. At the day of date, I am sure I might be late or he might be late to meet in time. Even if I am late, I will be very sorry to him. Then, well, if I come early next time and he come late, when I abuse him, he is never complained to confess his late. Arr… I am so angry with him for not keeping his promise.

If he were me, I will receive their complaint and sorry to him.

Whatever you say, to the end, we misunderstand and are apart so far. After this, when we have a meet on the way unexpectedly, just make a greeting and better go on each own way. How nice and beautiful is such this role!


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