Where is that sea and that ship from? Do you know each photo means the menaing of marvelous life.

We know no all of our life's meaning. That's the truth. Can't argue about this problem. But we can compare our lives look like a trip in the broad sea... No longer, when the sun goes down, we also.... goes down........... to the mouth of death's Lord.


  1. hello Naymin

    u r right that our life can be ended at anytime but as long as u r alive u should see ur life valuable and meaningful. Once i felt like u because at that time i was so young and i was always confused with the defination of life. But now i become to realize how much valuable ur life is when ur working for the others. Let's say u r surviving not only for u but for yourself. Now feel so well upon my own life because i have to promote my society that makes me to survive myself well and makes my life so interesting.

  2. thank for ur reply and suggestion to my opinion...

    nice to see you, fri...
    I have some imagination abt life, how strange it is...!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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